This forum represents a new beginning for WSV3. I welcome all to join their creative voices into the upcoming multi-month development push for WSV3 Tactical 2025: a ruggedized, industry-grade software product rewritten from the ground-up, using modern technologies and highly progressed GPU software programming skills, favoring slow-paced perfectionist development over rapidity of release. This is precisely what 2015 wasn't, where late-stage pre-release development was too rushed, bottled-in by a previously announced hard release date. The 2015 product set in motion a commitment to provide the finest quality Windows PC weather tracking and graphics software. To honor this commitment and provide a product that is truly tactical-grade, a restart is necessary. Unencumbered by the original direct-government-downloading client-only model, and spurred by my now 15 years of Win32 Direct3D native development skills, WSV3 Tactical 2025 will deliver on the 2015 vision better than any prior work to this day.
As for rules/community guidelines, no illegal content, and for every post, at least have an argument why the content is advancing towards the Mission Statement posted in the forum welcome notice. The mission statement is:
Mission Statement: To create the most performant, stable, and aesthetic graphics application for professional-grade tactical mesoanalysis, equipped with robust embedded meteorological data services out-of-the-box, purpose-built for the rigors of mission-critical/industrial usage yet priced for individuals, by leveraging cutting-edge GPU rendering algorithms, optimized data compression strategies, and a data-oriented-design engineering philosophy maximizing resource-use efficiency.
Every bit of criticism of the existing operational product is welcomed. Every bit of user feedback that previously had to be discarded due to limits and narrow focuses of the last-gen product, are now viable. I hope you will use this space as a platform to innovate with me what can be the greatest analytic weather graphics application in the world, capitalizing on the incredibly powerful and untapped GPU hardware commonplace among consumer PCs and the vast, overwhelming array of generously funded public academic and government real-time meteorological datasets. The full utility of the latter has gone woefully unrealized due to the lack of an all-encompassing, efficient graphics application to tie them together for a human user's fast, intuitive analytical workflow in a seamless graphics application, unconstrained by raw data formats and traditional manual scientific plotting. While WSV3 first-generation made a noble foray into accomplishing this challenging purpose, WSV3 next-generation will finish the fight.