Paul Glad to help. Additional information that maybe is not directly relatable to the data itself, but will be in the near future:
There is now a project that was started in 2019 called "RODEO" ( The main goal for this is to make weather data across Europe united and homogenous, but also make it open-source. Till this pretty much of all data from European weather service where closed to public and even when it become more open, it was in many pre-customized data formats, that where not usable for broader public (including software developers). For example - weather radar scan volumes where available at ODIM HDF5 format, which is not really great to work with. With this project all European weather radars will be available in one place in NetCDF format and with all parameters (Reflectivity, Velocity etc.). Moreover - it will contain data about weather warnings in Europe and as mentioned earlier - ECMWF model data in GRIB2 + Index files.
I will keep updating this post, as more information comes along, but I think it is great news for those living in Europe.