I just wrote and email to the EUMETSAT team, with the question of the data availibility and further information about the data from Meteosat 12.
Great to hear, that the ECMWF data looks promising and worth it. There is now and open source project going on, so in the near future there won't be anymore delay, but more information will be coming in next year.
Meanwhile - I also thought - how about polar orbital sattelites? They provide very great amount of detail and are available pretty much globaly. I added the link to the VIIRS AWS S3 bucket, but there is some other polar orbital sattelites like NOAA-19 etc. I know that right now you definetly have no time for data, but these are just some suggestions that comes in my mind and maybe is useful, becuase recently the weather workstation "SmartMet" which is being used here in Latvia for weather service only is starting to integrate more products from polar orbital sattelites as they give data for high latitudes.